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The situation in Afghanistan is already catastrophic due to humanitarian crises and political conflicts and now comes the forced deportation of Afghan migrants from Pakistan. The 1.7 million people affected lack everything – they have no money, no food, no shelter and, for the most part, no connection to Afghanistan. Their hopeless prospects will be further exacerbated by the cold season. At night, temperatures already drop below 10 degrees Celsius; temperatures often reach -40 degrees Celsius during the long Afghan winters. Without support, this can mean death from the cold for returnees.


Thousands are now arriving at the borders in Torkham and Spin Boldak every day. After arriving at the Afghan border, the expelled Afghans are distributed by the de facto authorities to their “home” provinces (even if they have not lived there for decades or have never lived there before). We are once again carrying out this year’s emergency relief campaign with our local partner organization OASE, which is based in Balkh. Around 2000 families arrive there every week.


If the deported Afghans still have family or friends in the region, they try to find accommodation there first. However, this is not a permanent solution and places an additional burden on their already financially poor families and friends. The fact is, they currently have to look after their prospects in Afghanistan without state support. With the winter emergency relief, we want to make the cold season more bearable for the displaced families with food parcels.


The forced deportations from Pakistan are a great injustice and inhumanity. And even if long-term solutions are needed for the returnees, we now have the chance to address the most urgent need. So let’s support Afghan returnees together now!

About the project
Teaser Winter Nothilfe_1_EN Visions4Children

Visions x Tomorrow Bank – Supporting education in Afghanistan

Summer is here and the days are getting hotter – also in our project countries that are particularly hard hit by the climate crisis. Extreme temperatures, persistent droughts and floods threaten the livelihoods of millions of people – 27.8 million in Afghanistan alone! Children suffer the most from the consequences of the climate catastrophe and it is their future that is at stake.


To address climate injustices and social challenges, we have joined forces with Tomorrow Bank. We are very excited to be part of their Rounding Up project!


Together, we will support an education project in Afghanistan in late 2023. For more information on the campaign, click here.

About the project
Grafik zur Rounding Up Aktion von der Tomorrow Bank. Im Hintergrund sind Schüler*innen in typischer Schuluniform in Afghanistan zu sehen und im Vordergrund eine Grafik eines Handy und die Aufschrift: Visions4Children


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